
Thursday, August 10

4 - 7 pm


6 pm


7 pm

Keynote Presentation

Rabbi Ari Berman

8 pm

Q&A and Discussion

John McVay

Friday, August 11

7 - 10 Am


Rabbi Ari Berman

7 - 9 Am


Rabbi Ari Berman

10:15 -
11:15 AM

Small Groups: Living our Values

Small Group Leaders: One per 10 participants

11:30-12 PM

General Discussion: Living our Values

Moderator: President from AACU institution not otherwise participating



1:30 PM

Three 15-20 minute presentations

“Living Faith with Excellence”

• Dr. Janine Lim (responding to the remote/online environment)

• Dr. Bradford Newton & Dr. Joy Fehr (challenges and opportunities of the AI environment)

• Dr. Robert Ordóñez (modeling faith with excellence as a Computer Studies faculty)

Moderator: Dr. Janine Lim

2:30 - 3:30 PM

Small Groups: Living Faith with Excellence

Small Group Leaders: One per 10 participants

3:45 - 4:15 PM

General Discussion: Living Faith with Excellence

Moderator: President from AACU institution not otherwise participating

4:30 - 5:30 PM


Dr. Andrea Luxton

6 PM


8 PM

Education Themed Vespers “How We Live the Sabbath”

Dr. Joy Fehr to coordinate

Saturday, August 12

7 - 10 Am


Rabbi Ari Berman

9 - 9:15 AM

Sabbath Devotion Thought

Dr. Alex Bryant, NAD President

9:15 - 10 AM

“Living our Theology”

Dr. John Peckham

10:15 -
11:15  AM

Small Groups: Living our Theology

Small Group Leaders: One per 10 participants

11:30 - 12 PM

General Discussion: Living our Theology

Moderator: President from AACU institution not otherwise participating



1:30 PM

Three 15-minute presentations

“Living through Service”

• Dr. Cheryl Kisunzu (the responsibility for service through social justice

• Nicolette Piaubert (modeling service in the curriculum)

• TBD (creating a thirst for service through vocation)

Moderator: Dr. Cheryl Kisunzu

2:30 - 3:30 PM

Small Groups: Living through Service

Small Group Leaders: One per 10 participants

3:45 - 4:15 PM

General Discussion: Living through Service

Moderator: President from AACU institution not otherwise participating

4:30 - 5:30 PM


Dr. Andrea Luxton

6 PM


8 PM


Dr. Gordon Bietz

North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church